Triade 2.0 deals with the challenge of improving the social inclusion of ageing adults with intellectual disabilities (AAWID Ageing).

The objectives of the project are:

  1. Develop specific learning content training on ageing and mental disorders adapted to the learning potential of AAWID and training tools for AAWID educators.
  2. Develop an online platform (MNAM) for AAWID training.
  3. Improve social skills and knowledge of healthy ageing 150 AAWID
  4. Improve knowledge and skills on ageing and disability of 40 AAWID educators.

The project is expected to achieve results at three levels:

  1. Social inclusion and improving the quality of life of 150 ageing adults with intellectual disabilities.
  2. A programme to improve knowledge about ageing and disability.
  3. Improving skills (interpersonal skills and transferable skills)
  4. Improving digital competences (using a tablet or PC)

Participating organizations:

  1. Improving the competences of 40 AAWID educators.
  2. Improving organisational knowledge through the development of platform, content, and pedagogical resources for AAWID educators.
  3. Improve the quality of services offered for AAWID.
  1. Through the dissemination of project impacts, community-based services and specific disabilities/seniors are expected to use, implement, or benefit from training materials, tools or methodologies developed by the project.


  1. The Instituto Valenciano de Atenci-ón Social-Sanitaria, Spain (lead partner)
  2. Universad Politecnica deValencia, Spain
  3. Groep Ubuntu x 8K, Belgium
  4. University College Ghent, Belgium
  5. Sint Vincentius, Belgium
  6. Familiehulp, Belgium
  7. NARHU, Bulgaria
  8. RIC Novo mesto, Slovenia
  9. ENSA, Italy

The project started in October 2018 and closes in March 2021. It takes place within the Erasmus + K2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS programme.

Learn more about the project in the first newsletter of the project in the document below.


Project Newsletter


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