Career Centre for Young People – VšečKAM in GREM

In September 2019 RIC Novo mesto became an important point in the South-East region in the field of career guidance for school children, their parents and professionals. With project partners, Foundation for Improvement of Employment Opportunities PRIZMA, Institution from Maribor (lead partner), Association for the Development of Human Resources and Social Programs NOVUS and The Kočevje Business Incubator, we guarantee the activities of the project in the entire Eastern Cohesion Region.

Career development is understood as a continuous lifelong process of development experience focused on finding, obtaining and processing information about yourself, employment and educational alternatives, lifestyles and role opportunities. It is a process through which people can understand the world of work and its role in it; and the individual forms a working identity during his career. To develop and realize this career path for young people, "VšečKAM in GREM - Career Centre for Young People" is an active, innovative, and supportive activity for parents and the school system.

The objectives of the project are:

  • the establishment of four CCY units to strengthen career guidance competences for school-age youth in KRVS,
  • improving the opportunities for inclusion in career guidance activities for organisations and individuals,
  • empowering school-educated youth to self-knowledge and plan a career,
  • empowering parents to support children in their career research and planning,
  • improving young people's responsiveness to labour market needs,
  • strengthening the competences of counsellors to implement career guidance for school-based youth,
  • orienteering innovative and creative approaches in the implementation of career guidance for school-age youth,
  • improving the responsiveness of the education system to labour market needs,
  • strengthening cooperation between stakeholders in the educational and economic spheres.

For young people between the ages of 6 and 19, we offer the possibility of individual information, testing, career planning and management consulting and professional assistance and support in career decision-making.

In addition to individual counselling, we carry out group workshops for schooled youth. In agreement with schools or organizations, we carry out workshops on learning about occupations, learning about personality traits, improving career management skills, learning about the labour market. In workshops we use various modern and innovative approaches and tools. The performances are carried out in cooperation with renowned Slovenian experts.

Special attention in the project is also given to parents of schooling youth and professionals. Through lectures and support activities, we provide them with assistance to facilitate the planning of children's careers and perform professional work meetings. The activities also involve important stakeholders from the educational and economic sphere.

All activities are free of charge for participants and the project is financially supported by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the European Social Fund. The project will run until August 2022.

POSSIBILITY OF INDIVIDUAL ADVICE: All interested parties are invited to take advantage of the possibility of individual advice. Counselling takes place every Monday between 16:00 and 20:00 (we advise you to pre-phone or email) in RIC Novo mesto, Topliška cesta 2, 8000 Novo mesto, office 11.


Tea Sulič
080 71 89 (free)

00386 (0)5 907 57 16

00386 (0)31 746 001

Tina Kržišnik
00386 (0)5 907 57 18


"VšečKAM in GREM" - The Youth Career Centre is partly funded by the Ministry of Labour, Families, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the European Social Fund. The operation is carried out within the Operational Programme for the implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, 10. priority axes: Knowledge, Skills and Lifelong Learning for Better Employability, 10.1 Investment Priorities: Improving Equal Access to Lifelong Learning for All Age Groups in formal, non-formal and informal forms of learning, modernising skills, skills and competences of the workforce and promoting flexible forms of learning , including through career advice and validation of acquired competences, 10.1.3. specific objective: Promoting flexible forms of learning and supporting quality career guidance for school-based youth at all levels of the education system.

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