General informal adult education

Project duration period: 1. 1. 2012−30. 6. 2014

Target group

Persons aged over 55, immigrants, unemployed, employed aged from 25 to 55, persons in prisons, persons with special needs, Roma adults

Summary (project goals and purpose)

Within the project, we carried out 15 different programmes of general adult education. An individual programme lasted for 50 hours and it took place in the morning or afternoon once or twice a week. The programmes were oriented to the sustainable development of an individual with an emphasis on strengthening various core competencies. The participants in the programmes have developed the following skills:

  1. Reading brings cognition: the competence of communication in the mother tongue, learning how to learn, the strengthening of social and civic competencies, and the competencies of cultural awareness and expression.
  2. Paths to greater efficiency at the workplace: social competence, promoting learning and motivating for learning, learning how to learn.
  3. Improving communication in the English language: communication in a foreign language, social and civic competencies, learning how to learn.
  4. Good communication - the path to success: communication in the mother tongue, social and civic competencies, learning how to learn.
  5. Financial literacy in the society of changes: key competencies in the field of personal property management, basic math skills, social skills, language skills, ICT competencies, lifelong learning.
  6. School for parents – let’s look at a child in a holistic manner: the promotion of learning, motivation for learning, and the development of social and civic competencies.
  7. With creativity through the recession: self-initiative, social competencies.
  8. Let’s improve the quality of our lives with a healthy diet: social competencies, self-initiative.
  9. Communication bridges: social and civic competencies, digital literacy competencies, learning how to learn competencies.
  10. The digital knowledge for the transition to the information society: digital literacy.
  11. English for travels: communication in a foreign language, social and civic competencies, learning how to learn.
  12. For increased competitiveness at the labour market: social competence, the promotion of learning and motivation for learning, learning how to learn, sustainable development.
  13. Let’s learn and play together: social competencies, the promotion of learning and motivation for learning, learning how to learn, sustainable development.
  14. Living in a new country: linguistic competencies, social competencies, digital literacy.
  15. Creativity enriches us: cultural awareness and expression competence, learning how to learn.

Project results

In 2012, we carried out all 15 programmes; in 2013 we repeated them 12 times; and in the last year, 2014, we repeated them 8 times. In total we had 35 performances.

630 of the planned 525 participants joined the programmes, and with this result, we have exceeded our expectations.

The programmes were carried out by professionals from different fields (teachers and professors, college lecturers, practitioners, ...). Together with us they co-shaped the content of the programmes and provided additional motivation for the participants. Together, there were 43 such professionals.

We also invited the experts that supported each meeting professionally. They were the representatives of various organizations and institutes, the representatives of associations and individual experts. In total, there were 8 such experts. We also cooperated with the silent partners who offered us their support in the animation and promotion of the programmes as well as in the implementation of individual contents. In total, there were 39 such silent partners.

The project has also generated 12 e-learning materials, which are located in the online classroom of the Development and Education Centre Novo mesto, on the link:

  • Can food be harmful?
  • Let’s be skilful speakers and successful in communication
  • Financial literacy in the society of changes
  • Let’s improve the quality of our lives with a healthy diet
  • Improving the dialogue between generations
  • Communication bridges
  • Entrepreneurship - the concept of a business plan
  • A view in the pot of our ancestors
  • Financial literacy in the society of changes – a subject for the programme participants
  • Stress, time management and display technology
  • School for parents - let’s look at a child in a holistic manner
  • Management of personal finances

The project managers were: in the year 2012 Zvonka Potočar, and in the years 2013 in 2014 Brigita Herženjak. Further information about the project is available at

The operation was partly financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The operation was carried out within the programme Human Resources Development for the period 2007-2013, development priority 3: Human resource development and lifelong learning; policy priorities: Improving individuals’ competencies for living and working in the knowledge-based society.

 Funding sources: The European Union through the European Structural Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport


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