Implementation of new educational programmes (UNIP)
Project duration period: 1. 1. 2009−31. 3. 2012
- Adult Education Centre Kočevje, Slovenia (lead partner)
- Development and Education Centre, Slovenia
- Centre for Education and Culture Trebnje, Slovenia
- School Centre for Post, Economics and Telecommunications, Slovenia
- Association of Slovenian Adult Education Centres
- Association of Adult Education Organizations in Secondary Schools, Slovenia
Summary (project goals and purpose)
The basic purpose of the project was to ensure quality, transparency and a uniform approach in introducing innovations in educational organizations providing part-time vocational and professional education. We have produced a variety of protocols and forms that offer support to educators in adapting education to the individual, acknowledging previously attained formal and informal knowledge and in the implementation planning of adult education. We have trained experts who are competent in conveying new knowledge to other users in educational institutions and collectives. We have also developed an information database for the basic tools to support the management, recording and analysis protocols in adult education. We have provided high levels of quality expertise and professional approaches in planning and using various protocols that will offer support to educators in adapting education to an individual, acknowledging previously attained formal and informal knowledge and in the implementation planning of adult education.
Project results
We conducted four pieces of training which were carried out by the trained experts who are competent to convey their knowledge to the professional staff and teachers who implement the programmes of vocational and professional education in adult education organizations (Adult Education Centre Velenje, Central Employment Service of Slovenia, Development and Education Centre Novo mesto).
We developed ICT tools: e-map of participant’s learning achievements, e-personal education plan, e-form for implementation curriculum preparation and other e- educational documents.
We coordinated the functioning of 3 workgroups of experts from adult education organizations for 3 different programmes of vocational and professional training, who prepared the common starting points and the criteria for the recognition of prior knowledge acquisition. We have created an information database for procedure management regarding the recognition of prior knowledge acquisition for 10 programmes. We actively participated in the annual conference by presenting a seminar paper.
The project leader was Gregor Sepaher. Further information about the project is available at
Funding sources: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the European Social Fund