Raising literacy levels (DRP)
Project duration period: 1. 9. 2010–30. 6. 2013
Target group
parents with children, unemployed, employed adults with special needs, rural population, older adults, prisoners
Summary (project goals and purpose)
Within the three-year project, we carried out free programmes, which were intended for different target groups: parents with children, the unemployed, the employed adults with special needs, the rural population, older adults, prisoners and everyone else seeking new knowledge and skills. The participants gained knowledge and skills to become more competitive at the labour market, to facilitate their re-entry into the education system, to solve everyday challenges, for a better quality of life and to discover personal interests and potentials. The groups ranged from 12 to 15 participants.
Project results
In three educational seasons, RIC Novo mesto performed 10 diverse programmes for 89 groups of adults.
- UŽU/TSL - Reading and Writing Together: 2 groups
- UŽU/TSL - Bridge to Education: 3 groups
- UŽU/TSL - Challenges of the countryside: 1 group
- UŽU/TSL - My Step: 3 groups
- UŽU/TSL - Me and my workplace: 1 group
- UŽU/TSL – Let's liven up our lives by learning: 1 group
- Reading for knowledge and reading for fun: 2 groups
- Computer literacy for adults: 9 groups
- Computer and digital literacy: 8 groups
- Books are for me: 1 group
Training for success in life (TSL) are described in more detail on the website of the Adult Education Centre Slovenia: http://pismenost.acs.si/projekti/uzu.
The extent of non-formal education has benefited 1,200 participants, for whom we carried out 7,070 education hours. The work in programmes was carried out in the form of project learning; the contents have been adapted to the specifics of groups and individuals. In motivating and involving participants in the programmes as well as in the implementation and enrichment of content, we have teamed up with nearly 100 organizations and individuals from the local area.
In all certified programmes (i.e. TSL/UŽU programmes), with the exception of the programmes Let's liven up our lives by learning and Computer literacy for adults, the participants received a certificate, which is valid at the labour market as well as for possible integration into further education.
At the end of the project, we have invited all the participants to a 2-hour professional event, within the context of the May Learning Parade 2013. The diversity of supply and originality of execution has attracted more than 200 former participants who came back to our temple of knowledge two years later. In the common introductory part, we presented the project achievements, and then we continued with working in groups (within the programmes that the participants attended in the past) - the evaluation with the participants, outsourcing, the representatives of partner institutions and associations. In each group, we performed a mini practical workshop. For example, the participants of computer programmes have learnt about the QR code, the participants of the programmes MI, MDM and KZZ have learnt about relaxation techniques, the participants of the programme IP and RŽU were trained in table place settings preparation, the parents and children of the programmes BIPS and BZZ were creating together, the participants of the programme MK talked about preserving clean water and such.
The project leaders: were M.A. Gabi Ogulin Počrvina and Gregor Sepaher. Further information about the project is available at ric@ric-nm.si.
Funding sources: the European Union through the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport