With knowledge to employment


January 2011−January 2012

  1. Croatian Employment Service, Karlovac Local Service, Croatia (lead partner)
  2. RIC Novo mesto, Slovenia
Target group
  1. public and private educational institutions in the area of Karlovec county
  2. unemployed and employed with a lower level of education

Project Summary

The basic objective of the partnership was to improve the adult education service in the area of Karlovec county by cooperating and connecting public and private educational institutions and raising public awareness of the importance of personal investment in lifelong learning.

Project results

  1. the creation of a network of public and private educational institutions for the development of lifelong learning in the Karllovski County,
  2. analysis of the supply and demand for formal and non-formal education programmes in the county area,
  3. carrying out trainings for members of the new network,
  4. carrying out a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of lifelong learning,
  5. preparation of reports on the activities and results of the project.

The project manager was Marjeta Gašperšič. For more information about the project,  ric@ric-nm.si.

Project News Archive

  1. We attended the Lifelong Learning Fair in Karlovac, Croatia, September 2011
  2. The second meeting of partners of the network of public and private educational institutions in Karlovac county, 5. 5 and 6th 5. 2011, May 2011
  3. Implementation of the first series of two-day workshops in RIC Novo mesto for a network of public and private educational institutions in Karlovac county, 31. 3 and 1. 4. 2011, April 2011


The project was funded by the European Union program for Croatia IPA IV. component – local employment partnerships – Phase 3 and resources of the Croatian Employment Service.



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